Wife Leaves Her Unfaithful Husband With A 15ft Billboard

A sign appears on a Sheffield advertisement board this morning. Commuters were amused after a huge sign on The Parkway, the main road into Sheffield appears to out cheating husband Paul. See rossparry copy RPYSIGN

An angry woman used a motorway advertising board to display this sign to announce she was leaving her unfaithful husband.

Known only as Lisa, the woman used the electronic advertising board on the busy dual carriageway in Sheffield, England, to humiliate her husband Paul.

The message was written in black font on the 15ft x10ft board on Sheffield Parkway – a major commuter route into the the Yorkshire city.

It read: “To my cheating husband Paul. You deserve each other. When you get home I won’t be there.

“Enjoy your drive to work! Lisa.”


The sign was erected at around 11pm on Tuesday and while it is not known if the intended recipient of the message saw it, hundreds of others did and immediately took to Twitter and other social media to express their shock.

After finding out about her husband’s infidelity Lisa plotted her revenge carefully, approaching the agency about the billboard a couple of weeks ago.

Mark said: “It’s a professional approach to dumping someone, but we are happy to carry marriage proposals as well.”

Billboard company Anco Digital confirmed the sign was displayed for three hours between 6am and 9am this morning

Mark Catterall, from advertising agency Kong Media who sold Lisa the advertising space, said she paid “hundreds of pounds” for her exit sign.

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