‘Beloved’ Alpaca Dies After Eating Doritos, Cheese Nips And Peanuts

Creekside Animal Hospital

FLEMING ISLAND, Florida — An alpaca has passed away after a man reportedly fed the animal Doritos, Cheese Nips, and peanuts.

The Creekside Animal Hospital made the announcement on their Facebook page: “It is with a heavy heart that we want to inform our clients and friends at the elementary school that our youngest alpaca that was born out on the shared field over a year ago has passed away. We have had a problem with a gentlemen in a blue car constantly dumping inappropriate food into the field several times per week. We have spoken to him on at least 4 different occasions. This last visit, he dumped 3 boxes of animal crackers, 1 large bag of Doritos, 2 large boxes of cheese nips and 2 bags of whole peanuts. We know this because he leaves the litter behind every single time and we clean it up.

Most of the time, we hope the food is eaten up by the herd and no one gets “too much”. This was the first time peanuts were dumped. The alpacas are fed peanut hay every day and the little guy didn’t know any better and he overindulged. We did everything we could for him including a blood transfusion from his father, but when alpacas suffer from endotoxemia, it is rarely something that can be fixed.

That being said, it took its toll on us and now we are in fear for the rest of the herd, including the goats. We will likely be moving them to a new location because we have no way to protect them from this person. Everyone else has been fantastic and we have appreciated all of the carrots apples, pats, questions, concerned phone calls when they sun bathe, etc. We are going to miss,that little guy a lot.”

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