Border Agents Find 2 in Trunk After Smuggler Abandons Vehicle


TUCSON, Ariz. – Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents discovered two illegal aliens Wednesday locked in the trunk of a vehicle after the driver escaped on foot.

Agents assigned to the Willcox Border Patrol Station observed a Ford sedan turn around abruptly as it approached the SR 90 immigration checkpoint and enter a nearby gas station.

When an agent approached the vehicle, the driver accelerated toward the rear of the gas station, running over a curb, and then fled the area on foot.

The agent attempted to search the abandoned vehicle but the driver had locked the doors and taken the keys.

Agents then used a Border Patrol canine to sniff around the vehicle. After the canine alerted to the vehicle’s trunk, the agent, suspecting that someone was inside, broke a window to use the trunk-release mechanism. When the trunk opened, the agent discovered two illegal immigrants, nationals of Honduras and Mexico, locked inside. Both of the individuals said they did not know how to free themselves from the trunk.

The two subjects are being processed for removal in accordance with Tucson Sector guidelines.


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