Chelsea Manning Attempts Suicide In Jail: Report


Disgraced former army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning reportedly attempted to kill herself inside a Virginia jail cell Wednesday.

“She was taken to a hospital and is currently recovering,” her lawyers said.

Manning has a court hearing Friday for refusing to testify before a grand jury in a WikiLeaks probe.

“In spite of those sanctions—which have so far included over a year of so-called ‘coercive’ incarceration and nearly half a million dollars in threatened fines—she remains unwavering in her refusal to participate in a secret grand jury process that she sees as highly susceptible to abuse,” the attorneys said.

Alexandria Sheriff Dana Lawhorne said Wednesday: “There was an incident at approximately 12:11 p.m. today at the Alexandria Adult Detention Center involving inmate Chelsea Manning. It was handled appropriately by our professional staff and Ms. Manning is safe.”

Officials did not say how Manning attempted suicide. She is expected to make a full recovery.

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