How to Make Your Home Safe in California


California experiences as many as 10,000 earthquakes a year. Although most are miniscule in the grand scheme of things, earthquakes are not a common experience. Wildfires are also taking the state by storm and it’s easy to feel unsafe in your own home. But what if we told you there were some steps you could take in order to secure your home? So here are some simple steps you can take to secure your home in California.

Your Home’s Foundation

First, you want to make sure your home’s foundation and structure is secure enough to withstand powerful force. You should speak with professionals, if necessary, to ensure that your home’s foundation complies with California’s seismic building standards and land codes.

Pictures, TVs, and Bookcases

Walk around your house and take note of anything that hangs off the wall, such as paintings, bookcases, or even TVs. In the case of either an earthquake or other natural disaster, some objects could crush you or a small child. Anything you consider to be breakable should be stored on lower shelves. By doing this, you prevent as much damage and injury as possible.

Bolt Your Large Appliances

Your water heater and refrigerator should be anchored to the floor or wall with wall studs or bolts. This might be considered a lot of work and expensive, but you don’t want either of these appliances to fall on top of you or even destroy your home. You might also think about inviting a professional to your home to inspect your pipes and even have them install pipe fittings for gas or water leaks. Become familiar with your home’s blueprints and be familiar with your breaker and how to shut off gas valves. 

Managing Smoke Alarms

Make sure the right number of smoke alarms are installed and comply with the local authorities. You’d be surprised how many homes have outdated smoke and fire alarms. And in the case of an emergency, you don’t want to be unprepared. You should also test them each year, as well as replace their batteries.

Personal Information

If you have important documents or even personal information, you should store it in either a fireproof safe or in a safe that’s easily accessible in the case of an emergency. Moving them to a separate location, such as an office or other building would also be a good idea.

Be Wary of Gasoline and Propane Tanks

Some homes prepare for power outages by owning a generator, but if you do have extra gas on hand, make sure it’s far away from your home just in case. Even having a propane tank for your BBQ would be something you’d want to move, even if it is inconvenient. Anything else that you consider flammable or combustible should also be kept far away from your home.

Earthquake Emergency Kit

Don’t forget about earthquake emergency kits. They’re made to include important things that might slip your mind in the instance of an emergency. Usually, they contain blankets, a first aid kit, a flashlight or glow stick, snacks, and even water bottles.

It’s important to stay informed, so you should always keep in contact with the authorities, family, and even local news stations in the case of an emergency. With these tips and steps, we hope to arm you with bountiful information on how to keep your home safe in California. Knowledge is your friend and we hope that you remember these when an emergency happens. Even better, we hope that you enact some of these steps to improve the security of your home.

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