Man Arrested For Child Porn Photos At Seattle Hot Spot


A man in Seattle was arrested for possessing hundreds of images of child pornography. Investigators found hundreds of pictures of young girls in swimsuits at the Seattle Center fountain (pictured), a popular play area for children, among the man’s collection.

Court documents reveal that a 57-year-old Greg Weldon Phillips was arrested at his home when Homeland Security investigators had found a collection of child pornography on Phillips’ cameras and computer.

According to investigators, Phillips the photos taken at the Seattle Center fountain in with other images that he sent and received. The image collections were shared with people in Illinois and Indiana, which ultimately led investigators to Phillips.

Investigators added that Phillips had emailed advice to others on how to groom and exploit children as young as 5 years old.

He was charged with distribution, possession, and receiving child pornography.


Image Source: Do-Seattle

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