Mother of Teen Who Hanged Himself Is Suing His Father


CHESTERFIELD, Virginia — Cal Reilly, 17, hanged himself inside a tunnel at Chesterfield’s Hampton Park, just days before graduation in May of 2013.

His mother is now suing a counseling group, tow therapists and Cal’s father.

After Cal hanged himself inside the tunnel, his friends and former classmates spray painted messages inside the tunnel in a gesture meant to memorialized the teen, but were arrested for graffiti and the messages were removed.

As graduates came flooding out off the Seigel Center from Cosby High School’s graduation, students had purple ribbons as a reminder of Cal Reilly- just 17- who’s name was still listed in the graduation book.

Classmates said his parents accepted his diploma.

Now Cal’s mother, Darci Reilly, has filed suit against several people whom she claims did not prevent her son from taking his life, NBC12 reported. Reilly is seeking $6 million in damages.

Photo source: NBC12


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