Natural Ways to Sleep Better at Night

Young couple sleeping in bed having a restful sleep, closeup of the wife

There is no better medicine than a good night’s sleep. In the US, over 40 percent of adults report not getting enough Zs at night. Unfortunately for approximately thirty five million Americans, this is a nightly occurrence.

Mask Up

Banish disrupting light while experiencing a comforting face hug. Similar to massage therapy or a swaddling blanket, a sleep mask can put your mind at ease and put your body into an instant state of relaxation.

Sleep masks help you block out unnecessary light that can pull you out of deep sleep. We’ve all experienced insomnia and the inability to fall asleep as car lights flash across the ceiling or our neighbor’s motion sensor light going off every time a squirrel drops a nut.

Deep sleep is life-changing. It heals your body and helps improve many aspects of your life. Investing in a quality sleep mask will help you fall into sleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Our top five reasons why uninterrupted sleep is so important: 

  • Help you feel better — Rest is naturally restorative. It gives your body time to pause all the heavy lifting it does for us throughout the day and create space for our cells to take stock, repair themselves, and regenerate without having to worry about our active body process and conditions.

  • Helps you eat less — Studies have shown that those who get in a whole night’s sleep eat fewer calories. When we lack sleep, our body searches for easy pockets of energy, including tricking us into thinking we should eat more to make it through the rest of the day.

  • Helps you perform better at sports — Giving your body and mind the refresher it needs through sleep allows muscles and tissues to rest. When we lack sleep, our minds and bodies don’t function at optimum levels. We can feel sluggish, groggy, and unable to perform tasks we can usually power through.

  • Helps you fight off anxiety and depression — Studies have shown that sleep depravity and lower sleep quality are directly linked to depression. When we toss and turn and just don’t receive the necessary sleep we need to keep our bodies fueled and ready to take on the world, our mood starts to change. Our brains begin to reprogram themselves as they think we will be continuing in this state for a long time. 

  • It helps you fight off cellular damage caused by inflammation — Inflammation runs rampant in our bodies when we don’t get enoguh sleep. Increased inflammation throughout the body can lead to several different kinds of health problems, especially when left to linger over time. Fight chronic fatigue and cell damage, by getting the sleep you need each night.

Get Your Beauty Sleep on

A good night’s sleep can start with your sleeping environment. Doing a refresh on your bedroom can help you sleep more soundly at night. You’ll want to start by simply making your bed. 

There is nothing more comforting than the perfect set of sheets. Cooling and soft microfiber sheets can help you take back the bedroom and get some much-needed Z’s. With an extensive collection of styles and sets on the market, you are sure to find those sheets that say home.

With the perfect sheets crawling into bed at night won’t feel like a fast train to nowhere. Skip all the tossing and turning by elevating your sleep through fun patterns and super soft, high-quality microfiber goodness. 

Cuddle up to comfort and create that sleep vibe you’ve been craving by simply tossing your old sheets for a fresh, new set that is easy to wash and care for, and you might see the added benefits of:

  • Improved emotions and social interactions — Those who sleep less tend to interact less with others and have difficulty playing nice. That age-old saying “waking up on the wrong side of the bed” rings true when it comes to the emotions we feel or can’t handle when we miss out on a good night’s rest.

  • Increased immunity — Studies have shown that folks who receive less than seven hours of sound sleep are prone to developing the common cold more often. Decreased immunity impairs your ability to fight off viruses and even diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

  • Increase physical ability and lower your risk of accidents — the mental clarity we receive from a full night’s sleep helps our brains be better prepared to take on the world. This means avoiding simple mistakes that can lead to injuries because our motor skills function slower on less sleep.

  • Avoid unnecessary weight gain — Eight full hours of sleep doesn’t cause your body to lose weight, but it helps your body fight weight gain. Not getting enough sleep releases the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates your appetite. Our brains also release Leptin while we sleep. Leptin is a hormone that lets your body know when you are full. When your brain feels less complete, you are also more likely to crave quick energy in the form of junk food. 

A healthy night’s sleep is one of the most powerful gifts that keeps on giving. Enjoy more significant benefits of good health by simply sliding into sleep like the doctor prescribed it.

A Bad Night’s Sleep is Skin Deep

A good night’s rest also starts with your skin. Our skin does a lot of heavy lifting for us throughout the day. That makes an eight-hour sleep the perfect opportunity to catch up on your beauty rest. 

Treat your skin to the rest and rejuvenation you need while your body relaxes and unwinds through a world of dreams. Incorporating products into your nightly routine like Figure 1 Beauty can push cell regeneration and wrinkle-fighting rest into high gear.

It takes years off your life when you combine the right products with a good night’s sleep. There is no more need to count sheep when you can fall asleep knowing that your products are hydrating, moisturizing, and banishing wrinkles just by falling back in your bed and closing those eyes.

Great products to try out that will transform your sleep into a midnight facial:

  • Ceramide Seal Moisturizer — This lightweight lotion keeps active products locked in, plus it hydrates for up to 24 hours. Leaving your skin feeling lusciously moisturized so you can awaken to perfectly hydrated skin.

  • Glycolic Glow Treatment — Want to wake up to that youthful glow? Mildly exfoliate your skin before bed with this 4% glycolic acid and blend of brightening PHA compounds that work together to create that glamorous silky and radiant skin we all crave while you dream sweet dreams.

  • Micellar Oil Cleanser — Wash away the dirt of the day before falling into bed with this oil cleanser. Oil cleansers are gentler on the skin yet fantastic at removing the dirt and grime that gets built up in our pores from a regular day’s work. Oil cleansers work so well because they don’t wash away the natural oils our skin produces to protect itself and instead gently penetrate this natural oil layer on the same level with its oil base. 

Beauty Standards Should Be Based on How Much Sleep You Get

No matter what kind of sleeper you are, the benefits of a full night’s rest are immeasurable. Just getting those recommended eight hours of sleep is like finding the path to the fountain of youth. There are products and brands out there to help you achieve the best night’s sleep of your life and obtain that youthful glow you have been searching for, all while getting a little shut up.

Give your body and mind a full make-over by ensuring you are rested up and ready to take on the world!

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