Palestinian Terrorist Rams Vehicle Into Group Of IDF Soldiers; 1 Seriously Injured


WATCH: (Scroll Down For Video) Israeli medical services has said that four Israelis have been injured after a Palestinian rammed into them near the West Bank.

A Palestinian terrorist drove his vehicle into a group of Israeli soldiers, Thursday afternoon.

The car ramming attack was near the entrance to Beit Aryeh, located in the West Bank.

Emergency services spokesman Yonatan Yagodovsky said on Thursday that one Israeli was badly injured in the attack.


The injured are all IDF soldiers who apparently were hit while stationed inside an Arab village next to Israeli settlement of Beit Aryeh. They victims to be extricated from the hostile environment to Beit Aryeh Junction where EMS personnel treated them and prepared them for transport.

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The vehicular attack took place just over the Green Line from Israel’s urban center outside Tel Aviv in an area that has seen little of the violence that has rocked the country over the last several months.

Since mid-September, 19 Israelis have been killed in Palestinian attacks.

Police spokeswoman Luba Samri says Israeli forces are searching for the attacker, who escaped into the nearby Palestinian village of Luban. The village is close to the border between Israel and the West Bank.


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