PICTURED: Hundreds Enjoy Night Out In Cafes And Bars Of Paris In Defiance Of ISIS Gunmen


Hundreds of Parisians and tourists enjoyed an evening in the city’s bars and cafes last night to show their defiance towards the ISIS militants who cowardly launched attacks on the city last week.

Last night hundreds of the city’s residents took to social media with the slogan ‘Je suis en terrasse’, which trainslates to ‘I am on the cafe terrace’, in an echo of January’s ‘Je suis Charlie’ movement.

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The popularity of the phrase on sites like Facebook and Twitter is a reflection of how Friday’s slaughter at cafes, a music venue and a football stadium hit the younger residents of the French capital.

‘What was targeted was our way of life, our city’s identity and culture, the happiness of living together,’ the Monsieur Bleu restaurant said in a statement, calling on Parisians to go out for a meal and observe a minute of silence at 9pm.






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