This Guy Got a Ticket From NYC Cops for Spitting on the Floor – WATCH VIDEO


    The man was in shock when 2 police officers approached him and started writing him a ticket for spitting. He was on his way to college and waiting for a train when the officers started writing the ticket. The man was standing right outside Sutter Av-Rutland Road 3 train station. The video appears that he is visibly upset and in total amazement when the summons is written. He claims that he ended up missing his train due to the encounter with the police officers.

    Spitting is a health code violation that carries a $25 fine, the same amount as a ticket for having an open container; 38% of all summonses go unaddressed and result in a warrant for the offender’s arrest. Recently de Blasio announced several reforms to the summonsing system, including online payment for penalties, “a wider window within which to satisfy the summons,” and a “reminder system.”

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