Woman Drugged & Raped Young Boys, Told Them ‘Age Is Only a Number”


Leesburg, Florida — One child said something in his drink made him feel funny.

The victim says he woke up naked with Barbara Kirby, 36, telling him “age is only a number.”

Twice now Kirby has been arrested for allegedly slipping something in underage boys’ drinks and having sex with them.

Another victim told police he went to Kirby’s house Dec. 11 and that while he was there she poured him something to drink.

He said shortly after he felt dizzy and fell asleep, only to wake up on the couch with his clothes off. He said Kirby then proceeded to have sex with him.

The boys are under the age of 16.

Police said Kirby admitted to having sex with one of the boys but not the other.

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