Angela Merkel Says Migrants Should Go Back To Syria Once There Is Peace


Angela Merkel has said that Syrian and Iraqi migrants should leave Germany once ISIS has been defeated.

This comes after figures reveal that over 1.1million migrants entered Germany during 2015.

Angela Merkel commented on the issue by saying: “We need … to say to people that this is a temporary residential status and we expect that, once there is peace in Syria again, once ISIS has been defeated in Iraq, that you go back to your home country with the knowledge that you have gained.”

She then stated that 70% of refugees who feld to Germany from Yugoslavia in the 1990’s had returend.


Mrs Merkel then urged more European countries to offer more help and support as ” the numbers need to be reduced even further and must not start to rise again, especially in spring”.

Currently, thirty-one suspects, which includes 18 asylum seekers, are under police investigation over the Cologne sex attacks.

Mrs Merkel relaxed rules on refugees entering Germany in August 2015 by welcoming unregistered refugees.

More: Angela Merkel: Refugees should go back to Syria once there is peace Read more:

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